
Ston is around 85 kilometers away from Zivogosce Blato (directions and map are attached below the text).

Ston is a medieval town, with a very long history. This is a small town with the longest stone wall in Europe (5.5 km), with narrow streets, noble ancient houses and with many symbols of ancient cultures all around. Ston is famous for its long Walls. After the Great Wall of China, Walls of Ston are the largest Walls in the whole world.

The Walls of Ston present one of the largest medieval fortification of urban ventures. They are five and a half kilometers long, and are backed by more than 40 towers and five fortresses. The Walls connect places Ston and Mali Ston. They were built in 1334. when Pelješac peninsula became a part of the Dubrovnik Republic.

Ston was quite significant to the Dubrovnik Republic because of the saltworks, which had been providing 15,900 ducats to Republic every year and because of the shellfish cultivation that was quite developed in Ston. That is the reason why the Dubrovnik Republic decided to build walls so they could defense and protect those values of the town.

Today, Ston is recognized by the same shellfish cultivation and saltworks from that period. It is the oldest active saltworks in the world, that has still remained a valuable traditional way of salt production, which has not changed since ancient times.

Mali Ston Bay with places Mali Ston, Hodilje, Luka, Duba and Zamaslina are a symbol of preserved nature in that area. They are known for cultivation of oysters and mussels since Roman times, and Ston oysters (Ostrea edulis) popularized this region as a certified natural aphrodisiac.

In Ston there are numerous historical symbols that present former life of that city. Tourists can visit Ston's lapidary or cave Gudnja that is prehistoric site on the Peljesac peninsula, and very popular subject to many professional and scientific archeologist.

At the same time, Ston is known as one of the famous gastronomic area in the region. Ston and Mali Ston Bay have excellent restaurants and taverns where you can try and enjoy in local specialties.

Additional information:

- Ston Walls
Open hours:
8:00 to 19:30 h (June 1 to July 31)
8:00 to 18:30 h (August 1 to September 30)

Individual ticket price: 40 kn (around 5,5 euro)

- Saltern Ston
Open hours for visitors:
07:00 to 19:00 hours
Individual ticket price: 40 kn (around 5,5 euro)

– Visit to oyster cultivation is possible by boat (boat goes from Mali Ston)
– Ston lapidary, external collection of the Dubrovnik Archaeological Museum, are exhibited on the ground floor of the Parish House in Ston and it is public
– Cave Gudnja: 17.6. to 1.09. there is the exhibition of Gudnja in the center of Ston, at the









