
Makarska is around 20 kilometers away from Zivogosce Blato (direction map is attached below the text).

Makarska is the administrative, economic, cultural and tourist center of Makarska Riviera. The city has more than 15,000 residents.

Due to its nature environment, pleasant climate and tourist attractions, Makarska is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the Croatian coast. The name Makarska was first mentioned in 1502. Makarska was the center of the Coast during Turkish governance, and was annexed to the Venetian Republic in 1684. Foundations of the Makarska city were evolved during that period.

100 years ago, during the French and Austrian governance, the city experienced its cultural and economic development. Famous Franciscan monastery, cathedral church of St. Mark, the Church of St. Philip and James, Vepric sanctuary, Kacic square – they all present Makarska's historical story today. Stone alleys, squares, museums and galleries also presents historical heritage of Makarska.




